
Coaching Program Assessment To Get Momentum

Welcome to a wake up of what is possible - to start out - I want you to answer some questions to gauge where you are at now - to get a glimpse of your potential for the future of what we can start with coaching by committing to a vision. 

Look over each section to think over the questions to give me an honest answer. 

Your replies are confidential and only seen by myself. 

Thank you!


Question 1 of 5



Let's get real - I want you to describe your present situation. Tell me the truth of where you are at right now that is causing you to want to step out in faith to create something.


The more honest you can be about what is going on for what is causing you pain -  to take some form of action - so that you can get clear on where in your life you need guidance to make life better.


For example - I have twin sons in college - I have a small retirement started - I am burnt out - I feel overwhelmed and do not have enough time and yet I want to create an online course and serve others to build their business. 


What form of pain are you in that makes you realize you need to do something pretty soon. 

Question 2 of 5

What is it that you want in one year? 


Think of it this way - this will be your best year and all of what you did and accomplished from one year will be what?


This is a very powerful perspective to think about as knowing in one year - if you were to be in the future and look back - what did you accomplish during the year that you never thought was possible? 

Question 3 of 5

This section of the assessment is all about why you want to do what you want to do.

We always take into consideration other people and what we can do to help them achieve or solve their problems - I get that. 

You think about this in your head and now I want you to express more of what is in your heart.


 Why are you working for this? This is hard work and why you do what you do reveals what is important to YOU (not other people) but for you personally.


Think about it this way...what will this give you if you truly accomplish your vision, goals and dream? 


Faith - Family - Fitness - Business - Friends - Self Care....why do you want to take this on for your own personal reasons?

Financially what can this do for you?

Your WHY is all about what you believe and what you believe will attract others to follow now what you do but WHY you do what you do. 

Question 4 of 5

Final question - think it over....what capabilities will you need to achieve your goals? 


If you had someone that was 2-4-7 steps ahead of you to share with you what you need to do - what would you want to know and what would you need to do for you to accomplish? 


What do you need to learn? 



Question 5 of 5


Finally - add a comment to finish the assessment or put "Finish" in the box to complete this section. 

If there is anything else you would like to add or comment about feel free to address it here in this section. 

Thank you!


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