Good day everyone - welcome to June 2023 - wow, time is flying by for us - how about you? 

I wanted to thank all of you for the kind words, support and encouragement that many of you do in spreading the love for what Curly Hair Artistry does. 

I got a wonderful email thanking me for having the Cultivate Your Curls online course with having LIFETIME access - as she had life come up (as we all do) - and she put caring for her hair on pause and 4 years later came back to find the course still active and she went back in and is doing even better now! Emails like this make my day. Don't forget - you have lifetime access to this and all of our courses. 

We are just over a month away for our Maine training July 22-23 - this class will be a small group at Curl Boutique with focused time on helping you become the best curly hair specialist in your region - check out the link HERE. If you have any other questions about this class feel free to reply back to this email. 

Another option for training with Scott Musgrave in his personal studio for 1-2 day options for customized training in any area I can help you with - for the following dates open for 2 stylists at a time (Mon/Tue days of week): 

Aug 14-14
Sept 18-19
Oct 30-31
Nov 13-14

Your options for training this year are 1) Maine and 2) in-studio with Scott Musgrave one on one (actually 2 at a time max) for 2023. 

I want to recommend a book to any person who creates and wants to grow - this is an affiliate link for Amazon with a book that is making a nice impact on any person who wants to grow as a creative person - it is fantastic -HERE - when you get it and want to have a chat….just reply back and lets talk about it. I never heard of Rick Rubin and when I found him on a podcast I knew I had to read his book (do not get the audible as it is not good - I returned it) and I am in for a second time re-reading it. 

My client had a fantastic tip with taking a RED SATIN PILLOW CASE with her on trips and when she goes to pack up it is easy to notice so it does not get left behind - what a great idea! 

PODCAST - I was interviewed for a recent podcast and it relates to how creatives, authors and others came up with their ideas and to offer insights, ideas and encouragement for others to do the same AND I gave some tips on how to care for CHILDREN'S CURLY HAIR near the end. It has gained wonderful attention as we need to impact a future generation with how to EMBRACE their curly hair and to stop ‘fixing’ their hair - check it out HERE

Finally - I would love to share some success stories from Cultivate Your Curls and Curly Hair Artistry. I would like a testimony of how a course or live training or experience has helped you in any way and include a photo or two (before and after are always fun) or just a testimony - send to [email protected] and I would share the story in a blog, social media or in any way to get the word out to help others in the future - thank you. If you are unsure of what to write - it is nice to contrast what you were doing before and how it is better now and got even better over time because of your experience with us. 

I will be going live in Cultivate Your Curls soon - if you have anything you want me to address or a question - reply back to this email so I can keep a log of entries. 

See you in Maine - or in my studio - on in an online course soon! 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry 

“Beach Hair” ♥️

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