Curly Hair Artistry video and product updates

Good day everyone. 

I am back on YouTube - would you do me a favor and subscribe and like the videos as it helps with spreading the word with helping others to embrace their hair and its FREE - and the most recent video on How To Detox is getting some attention on the Curly Hair Artistry YouTube Station - click here

The live training in Maine is SOLD OUT - thank you for trusting CHA with your advanced training. 

For the California and Maine training I will be sending out a list of what to bring to the training soon. 

A big welcome to all of you who joined up with Cultivate Your Curls - this course is helping people around the globe with how to embrace their hair - and if you want to help someone else with understanding what CYC is about I created a video of what it is and the back story to it HERE

My client Megan is on Instagram as NCEatAndPlay - I have been doing her luscious curls since she was in high school and how she is well known and just came out with her magazine and her first issues is HERE - people all over ask her about her curls and she points them to Scott Musgrave Hair and Cultivate Your Curls - so I welcome all of our friends from her community as they are family focused, adventure oriented and love food = ideal clients to work and be with. Tips for when you do not know where to go for a date night - go to her IG or website and you will find ideas!  

Do oils work on curly hair? Here is a link to a video I posted of my thoughts on how oils are worth your time or not HERE

Finally - I have heard many great things for this helping with thinning hair - check it out HERE - all recommendations from here come from my affiliate links as CHA is non brand based and is not paid by any manufacture to promote their products - all products are recommendations from people that use them and find them to be worth your time and resources. 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry - Scott Musgrave - Founder 

My High School Graduation photo - class of 1980 - I used dispenser soap after working out all over my body to cleanse with....including my hair - also, my father cut my hair in the basement of our home while growing up. He never let my hair go past my shoulders but it did almost get just as wide as them! He never went to hair school but just practiced on me and my brother. 

if you ever come to visit me- let me see your graduation photo! 

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