New Opportunities - Learning with Curly Hair Artistry


Good day everyone, 

There is some new options we are offering so read this blog carefully to see how we can serve you best:

1) Portland Oregon - West Coast Symposium is SOLD OUT = we are so excited for this event - thank you all for trusting CHA with your Advanced Education. 

2) Spring Symposium is coming up for March 21-23 and we are excited to teach and share to help you build your brand and business as a Curly Hair Artistry Specialist - more info isHERE. We are offering a fantastic experience that is unlike any other with a focus on Wavy Hair - as hairstylists have said that this hair type is the most difficult to work with for cutting and product application AND styling, so - we are known to be THE BEST for training stylists on how to work with wavy hair. 

3) Portland MAINE is filling up quickly and the dates are July 25 - 27 with more informationHERE

Did you know that we provide you lunch during our trainings! We get so busy and trying to find something to eat outside of the salon can be a distraction so we provide you lunch during our trainings. Of course, you can get out and eat on your own if you would like to. As an Introvert I need some ‘fresh air’ myself!

New Opportunities:

A) Look and Learn - if your salon would like to host a Look & Learn to view The MAP Method, Cubist Curl Cutting, Marketing and anything else customized to help build awareness for your brand - contact me personally at [email protected] as I have been getting asked to put on 1 day events to help spread the word of what CHA can do for amping up your business. 

B) Cubist Cutting Online Course - Stylists that have takenCultivate Your Curls online course to learn The MAP Method have asked for taking the Cubist Curl Cutting on its own - as a separate course - so, I am working on setting this up for you. 

Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program is a complete package that unites everything together to offer your clients a totally new Service Experience and I highly recommend it - even if you have taken Cultivate Your Curls there is a Professional Version of The MAP Method that is different in how YOU as a stylist guide your client to learn MAP....and its of value to learn. It will separate you from others in your area for sure. 
Also in the course are sessions that I added kind of as a bonus and when you learn all of this and wonder how to incorporate it into what you are doing now and expand on it and even make more money you start to ask new questions about brand building, marketing and raising, this course covers that as well. 

So, if you just want the Cubist Curl Cutting session - it will soon be available. 

C) Salon Certifications - Salon owners that have purchased CHAMP are asking about certification for their staff - and I am now in the process of creating a system that will work with those staff members that want to go through the certification process to get their certificate personally delivered to them in the mail (this is not a one time view videos and print out a certificate = it is EARNED). Stylists that have this new level of certification have provided proof of their work and from this we can all feel confident in recommending them as you can see on ourStylist Locatorwith red lettering next to their name. 

Think about all the possibilities you can have to create the business you want with Curly Hair Artistry helping you as a guide to achieve your vision - we are passionate for serving you in ways that just are not common in our industry and we are excited for working with you in the capacity that you choose to learn from. 

Finally - if you have any questions, thoughts or comments let us know by contacting us to serve you better. 

During our trainings with clients and hairstylists we get asked about resources that we have used and we have experience with that work really good....even great - so, we wanted to share a resource page with youHERE. If you are a client or hairstylist and meet us in person and have read a book, tried a product or have experienced new tools that has helped you - this is what its about with sharing what has worked for us to guide you to a new opportunity, potential or result = an experience of personal and professional development. 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry



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