Hairstylists - A NEW Opportunity awaits you for creating a new business model.

Hairstylists - good day to you! 

Our industry leads the way with teaching us about two ways to make money - and it starts out with Cosmetology School and is reinforced as you attend Trade Shows:

  1. If your clients hair is straight - perm it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is curly - straighten it to make money. 

From this you can 'sell' products and heat tools to 'help' them at home to recreate your work. 

From here we learn other options as we progress in our career to fill our schedule in the salon and make a paycheck:

  1. If your clients hair is dark - lighten it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is grey (of what we call Silver) - add color to make money. 

Some of these are options that a client wants and desires. 

But NOT every time. 

And these options are expanding outside of traditional trade shows, cosmetology school and in salon trainings. 

Beyond the limits of this antiquated business model are new opportunities that are not really advertised or discussed by marketing in our industry publications and online information. 

Why are we not hearing about these new opportunities?

To become something unique and different than what the industry conditions you to do is not really discussed. 

Here are a few thoughts to consider as you open your mind to expanding what you are currently doing by learning and thinking outside of our industry box:

  1. Embrace wavy & curly hair - this is a new business model that is huge.
  2. Embrace silver hair - it is more than you think to help someone transition to their natural hair color. 
  3. Become a specialist instead of doing a bit of ‘everything’. 
  4. Learn to manage your vision instead of constantly learning more techniques that you try out on your current clients can only go so far. 
  5. Your business is grown by expanding your client base and or raising your prices - not working on ‘friends’ or a yearly raise of three to five dollars. 
  6. Time is valuable and your time is being dictated by things outside of your control and from this you are losing your passion and may even consider leaving this industry or sharing a booth rental room with another stylist that is a ‘friend’ to help make ends meet. 
  7. You are afraid to raise your prices $3-5.
  8. You would rather recommend products to your clients to purchase down the street or to buy them online instead of ‘dealing’ with retail in your salon space. 
  9. You are ‘busy’ but feel like you are going nowhere. 
  10. Health and energy levels are low and at times you feel like your clients are draining your energy to the point where you are not taking care of yourself. Being mentally and soulfully exhausted is physically draining. 
  11. The average stylist income is $38,000 of which I can relate to this personally for years. I now know that this can be doubled and even tripled with learning how to get out of the trap of what you are experiencing. 
  12. Finally - you are burnt out, fed up with ‘hair shows’ & starting to resent others around you that you are working with. 

Can we step back a bit and ask you a question: What did you dream about becoming when you went to hair school? 

Did something happen to you along the way that diminished those dreams to become robotic and stale with your career? 

While I am personally a curly hair specialist - I also work with all types of hairstylists (and entrepreneurs with a variety of ventures) and we all have some common traits that need to be developed and supported and it can be in any area of speciality you want. 

Send me a message or email of where you feel stuck and maybe a bit of what the heck happened to your passion somewhere on your journey as if you feel like calling it quits or considering doing something you are unsure of out of desperation then I would like to extend an invitation to share that with me or someone else that can help you into a new opportunity.  

We don't have to remain or feel stuck anymore! 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry

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