New Opportunities - Learning with Curly Hair Artistry


Good day everyone, 

There is some new options we are offering so read this blog carefully to see how we can serve you best:

1) Portland Oregon - West Coast Symposium is SOLD OUT = we are so excited for this event - thank you all for trusting CHA with your Advanced Education. 

2) Spring Symposium is coming up for March 21-23 and we are excited to teach and share to help you build your brand and business as a Curly Hair Artistry Specialist - more info isHERE. We are offering a fantastic experience that is unlike any other with a focus on Wavy Hair - as hairstylists have said that this hair type is the most difficult to work with for cutting and product application AND styling, so - we are known to be THE BEST for training stylists on how to work with wavy hair. 

3) Portland MAINE is filling up quickly and the dates are July 25 - 27 with more informationHERE

Did you know that we provide you lunch during our trainings! We get so busy and...

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Curly Hair Artistry Live Training in Portland Maine is now OPEN!

Good day everyone! 

We are excited to bring Hairstylists the Portland Maine "EduVacation" - which is a great experience of learning from Curly Hair Artistry AND take some time to have a vacation in Portland Maine to experience the culture, people and the food....oh my - if you love Seafood as much as I do then you will be in Heaven. Portland was voted best restaurant city (link to article) of the year 2018.  

Hairstylists - check out the info for this training HERE - the class is limited to 8 but we can fit in 10 if needed. This training is more intense with a focus on specific content developed by Scott Musgrave with The MAP Method of product application. This alone is drawing attention in our industry for helping your clients to embrace their hair from around the world with the Cultivate Your Curls online course AND clients are looking for hairstylists that embrace this method.
We will also cover the Cubist Curl Cutting Techniques that you will work on live...

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How Do You See Yourself?

As I work with my clients in my chair and on my online course Cultivate Your Curls w/ The MAP Method I realize the journey many of us are on and find it fascinating what we can pursue what is reality based or fantasy based....or even more. We are putting our energy into 'something' and the goal of this article is to see what we are doing is contributing to something that is of value. 

Lets take a peek at what resides in our being - this is based on a writing example I learned years ago: 

There are four levels of an individual self:

The Public Self: This is the level that you communicate to the world. 

The Private Self: This is the emotional and internal world of an individual. 

The Fantasy Self: This level is where daydreams, night dreams and fantasies reside. 

The Ideal Self: This fourth and final level of self wants perfection. 

(Breathing Life Into Your Characters by Rachel Ballon pg. 220 Hardbound ed.) 

Take out your Curl Journey Journal...

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