Curly Hair Artistry October Update



Hello everyone, 

Curly Hair Artistry is cultivating a theme this year with many in our circles of "There is more to what we do than just hair" as a business we can participate in other things and also with what we talk about...we are more than what we do - we are beings that care and live life outside of consuming everything there is about hair. 
I am excited that many of you tell me that you used to spend so much time, energy, resources on YouTube, Instagram or other places - to finally embrace their hair - and move on to more important things in life....and look beautiful as you live life. 

To celebrate this progression - I offer some options that may inspire you with ideas: 

1 - Thursday October 10 is World Mental Health Day and I want to recommend a book that I have started and I wished I had read it years ago as just the first couple of chapters has impacted me and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book by the end of the year. It is...

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Curly Hair Artistry Celebrations


Good day everyone.

1 - I wanted to celebrate a new curly hair specialist in Azerbaijan who is the FIRST curly hair specialist in her country! Congratulations to Aysel Jamalzad  (click for Instagram profile) who completed all of the requirements of Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program to be listed on our Stylist Locator. The work of Cubist Curl Cutting and guiding her clients with The MAP Method shows in all she is doing in her recent work.

2 - I also wanted to share a celebration of a recent transformation from Curly Hair Artistry specialist Bobbie Hall (Facebook link) in Texas (Stylist Locator)  - in her own words, "I must tell you about this sweet soul. We met in passing when I couldn't help but stop them to compliment the curls! I was shocked when they actually reached out a few months later. She's about to start hybrid high school and really wanted to get her hair looking right before her first day. She saved her own earnings to pay for the...

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Curly Hair Artistry Recommended Products

This article is to help you with where to start with what products to get. These recommendations are the most helpful based on what my clients mentioned, those in my circles of online courses/trainings and my own experience that I used daily in my studio. 
Save this blog to order what you need in the future, send it to people that ask you how amazing your hair is and it will be updated over time. 

Remember: it is not what products you use but more of HOW you use it - so for best usage of how to use products I recommend Cultivate Your Curls (click highlighted words) as many might say, "I used that and it did not work for me." - and in my studio I would use those mentioned products (that did not supposedly work for them) and IT WORKED - why? it was all about HOW TO USE THEM CORRECTLY - again Cultivate Your Curls will help you with why and how.

You will end the time of researching YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and online stores, Facebook groups and spending money on products...

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Curly Hair Artistry July Recommendations


Good day everyone.

#1 - This is my recommendations for products and tools to help you with your wavy/curly hair from Amazon (it is an affiliate link that impacts you in no way but helps support me - as I am not brand based or influenced by brands to be paid for recommendations - this is why people trust Curly Hair Artistry - and so, I appreciate your support). HERE

#2 - I would love to see more before and after photos emailed to me at [email protected] from what you learned from Cultivate Your Curls or in my studio at Scott Musgrave Hair - I want to share with the world your success story. Most if not all beauty related social media posts are about what the stylist did to your hair and then show it on their pages. This is important to do when building a business.
What is different with me is that I pretty much share YOUR story of what YOU did with your hair so when you show my page to others you tell them that Scott teaches you to do your own hair in a unique...

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My Gift To YOU!


Good day everyone, 

Today (JUNE 1, 2024) is my birthday and I have a gift of anyone that wants Cultivate Your Curls for a special one day price of $62

I am blessed to be able to help others around the world to embrace their wavy/curly hair and to make it more accessible to be at the lowest price for THE BEST course available to help you learn how to manage your hair for the first time in your life. 

Cultivate Your Curls has been taught to thousands of people in my studio and online - and there are MILLIONS more that do not even know this kind of help exists - so to spread the word of my course (which does not take advertising or money from manufactures to influence me or you of what to use, do or say) I ask that you spread this link to others in hopes of helping more to achieve life changing results for their hair. 

Others have taken info from my trainings and created their own trainings - but Cultivate Your Curls is the original - easiest to...

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Curly Hair Artistry video and product updates

Good day everyone. 

I am back on YouTube - would you do me a favor and subscribe and like the videos as it helps with spreading the word with helping others to embrace their hair and its FREE - and the most recent video on How To Detox is getting some attention on the Curly Hair Artistry YouTube Station - click here

The live training in Maine is SOLD OUT - thank you for trusting CHA with your advanced training. 

For the California and Maine training I will be sending out a list of what to bring to the training soon. 

A big welcome to all of you who joined up with Cultivate Your Curls - this course is helping people around the globe with how to embrace their hair - and if you want to help someone else with understanding what CYC is about I created a video of what it is and the back story to it HERE

My client Megan is on Instagram as NCEatAndPlay - I have been doing her luscious curls since she was in high school and how she is well known and just came out with her...

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Curly Hair Artistry - April update

Good day everyone!

For the first time in over 3 years I have added more content to the Curly Hair Artistry YouTube Channel with How to Find a Curly Hair Specialist - How to Become a Curly Hair Specialist and Curly Hair Oils? PLEASE subscribe and like the videos as this helps with the algorithm and spreads the word for helping others with this information - I will add 2 videos/week coming up with all types of information, interviews and recommendations for products - HERE

The video about if oils on hair work includes a couple for the scalp as well - I have some Amazon Affiliate links to try them out - and thank you for supporting CHA as we are NOT brand supported - HERE is link to that video and the links are in the about section of that video - they are fun to use. 

The upcoming Training in California is closed and we are on for it! 

We have 2 spots open for the Maine training and it will be a sell out soon - click HERE if you want to get one of the spots! 

Today was...

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2024 Curly Hair Artistry Live Trainings

Hello everyone - Happy New Year to you and your family!

1) - I wanted to share with you how excited I am to start discussing ideas for what this year and it's more about you than your hair - but BOTH are important. 

In my studio and out in my circles I hear so many stories of how learning to embrace, manage and love your hair and that it also impacts your esteem and dignity to start taking care of yourself in other ways - like going for walks, changing your diet and food choices, taking a faith step in starting a new job or becoming an entrepreneur..even cold plunges (I have been doing plunges in a cold tank now for four years and love it) and MORE. 

I have a question for you:

Has learning to love, embrace and manage your hair impacted you in other areas of life as well? 

If so, we need to hear more of these stories and I would love to interview you for our blog, social media and/or YouTube channel (Curly Hair Artistry)....reply back to this email and let me...

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Curly Hair Artistry weekend specials, recommendations and 2024 trainings.

Hello everyone - I wanted to help those of you who wanted product recommendations, and my online courses this weekend with the following links to Cultivate Your Curls (anyone with wavy/curly hair can learn how to manage their hair) and also Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program (for hairstylists who want to learn how to cut and style AND business tips for building their curly hair specialist business) and information about live training events in 2024:

Cultivate Your Curls HERE (regular price is $110 and if you go to bottom of check out page you will see it is now $80). 

Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program HERE (regular price is $999 and is now $800 - you will see the sale price on the check out page).

I have posted questions on Scott Musgrave Hair Facebook page and one of the things that people wanted help with is HOW to apply products - this is why I wanted to lower the price for the week so that you can get it at its lowest price ever. I have trained hundreds of hairstylists...

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Product and friend recommendations

Good day everyone - this is an email as I am recommending a few products and and clients that can all make life more enjoyable. 

First off - on a serious note - I worked with Jess from Jessicurl a few times and was saddened to learn of her passing a couple weeks ago. The brand will continue and just wanted to send prayers, thoughts and more to her family. She was a unique person, made me laugh and had wonderful insights into working with curly hair. She loved The MAP Method! 

I had her come in to be a model at a Curly Hair Artistry training in Michigan and she surprised everyone - she hung out with us and I cut her hair (again) for other stylists to learn my system of Cubist Curl Cutting and we used her products for styling - she was a gem! 

I want to recommend my favorite cleansers from Jessicurl - this is excellent for a light lather to cleanse fine/medium texture hair Gentle Lather and if you have thick dry hair I recommend this one Cleansing Cream...

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