What Do You Need For Healthy Curly Hair?

Good day everyone. 

We have been on a quest for encouraging others to be the best they can be and we always wonder: what else can be done to help readers, participants and online members to reach their goals with their wavy/curly hair? 

One member wanted to share that her hair health increased by changing to better products with ingredients that promoted healing such as Innersense Color Radiance Daily Conditioner. It has been amazing to see this conditioner transform so many heads of hair around the globe. 

Another member shared that increasing her intake of zinc has helped with reducing hair shedding and falling out.
Scalp Massage, Biotin and a healthy diet has always helped many with keeping the follicle - under the scalp - stay healthy by keeping blood flow up to the scalp that stress, medicine or a clogged pore can hinder hair growth.

We are not medical doctors as many things that cause hair issues can be related to diet, stress, hereditary and hormones and...

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What Do YOU Think?

Good day everyone!

I have daily conversations with clients, friends, people in and out of my industry, mastermind groups and online communities that reveal unique things to me - we truly are what we think we are AND we are who we hang out with. 

Reading Think and Grow Rich for the umpteenth time - is a book that I gain new insights from EVERY TIME I read it - as I mature I go deeper in learning - and the book makes sense to me only as I grow into utilizing the principles. 

We learn the most only from those that implement what they learn. I hang out with readers who do nothing with what they learn. I am around people that invest thousands of dollars into an online course and they even travel to a training and have no implementation of what they invested in (and they wonder why they stay stuck). 

If you invest in our training - I expect you to implement. If you dont, there is a reason why. 

Frustration and fear. 

Once we realize these obstacles we break down...

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Passion & Sacrifice Leads To Success

Welcome to another update with Curly Hair Artistry,

We are so excited returning back from the recent 2019 Spring Symposium - check out this group photo:

I am always humbled that hairstylists sacrifice their time, energy and finances to attend a Curly Hair Artistry (CHA) Live Training. 

A young lady from Brazil - near the Amazon, a stylist from Ireland, a young man from UK and stylists from around the USA including Texas, Portland Oregon and more....all to advance their level of understanding in building their own brand as a curly hair specialist. 

The next training is in Maine - with information here as we still have a few spots open - click HERE

Another observation is meeting those of you who attend our trainings as a model for us to work on who are also in Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method and word is getting out of how you are able to show up at CHA based salon with your hair set with MAP and just get a cut only as your styling is spot on and just need...

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Inspiration & Persistance

How you take the day on starts with what you do the day before. 

If you wake up and feel lost....then you are unprepared. 

Preparation is a skill set and discipline that takes some getting used to as its a habit.

Preparation sets you up to achieve #1) a Goal & #2) a Habit. 

If you want to achieve a goal you need to set up and work on habits to achieve that goal. 

Example: I want to be healthy (Goal) and to help me achieve this goal I want to build habits that lead to health and I am currently working on and learning from a new book that is out about a lifestyle of health vs a diet - its called 131 Method by Chalene Johnson. 

As a hairstylist I need energy to stay upbeat during the day - trying to manufacture that on my own is difficult - so, I need help with food, fitness & creativity and resources help me the most by reading, implementing and learning from others who have been before me. 

I just started The 131 Method and as I read about the...

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Learning about Self Care through Wavy & Curly Hair.

Good day everyone.

Just a note for you on what we are learning about taking care of yourself that goes along with caring for your wavy/curly hair. 

Self Care is so important. 

It is part of my own personal vocabulary to understand myself better as 'self care' was not really on my radar. Over time it just faded away and I was wondering why I wanted to check out or even just give up at times.

Maybe you can relate - or if you are on a path of self care now then reply back with how you are caring for yourself with tips that can be used in another blog for helping others in the near future. 

As a curly hair specialist - or as other people in service industries do with always putting other people above themselves - can lead to burn out or a sense of not caring anymore - it's so important to learn to step back and learn to find things to renew yourself so that you remain passionate to continue - not just for others- but for an invigorating LIFE. 

I learned to time block...

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Can Hair Be Extroverted or Introverted?

Good day everyone.

When people come into my studio or attend one of my live trainings they discover quickly that I am an introvert. 

Because I am found online, or that I have a social media presence, create videos or speak in front of others they think that I am an Extrovert. 

When I started my online presence I was behind the computer writing. I failed English twice and even went to Summer school to make sure I moved on to the next grade - so, for me to write and get found in searches for help is amazing in of itself. It proves that if I can risk putting myself out there with my failed background....so can you. 

What happened over time as people read my blogs and business Facebook page providing free content is that I was asked by other hairstylists to teach my methods to help them with their business and so I started what is now called Curly Hair Artistry. 

When I was building up to that first live training my stomach was in knots, my emotions were all over the...

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Perfect is Boring!

Perfection is Boring.


I was a photographer and did my own #blackandwhitefilm development and printing.

#richardavedon impacted my art with his journey and I was inspired to take this photo after not shaving for 4 days, I refreshed my hair with who knows what and I don’t care how I look. What is not shown in the photo is what is going on in my soul - as I was going through a change of perspective based on changing how I am doing my business. Parts of my soul was in pain and the other parts were excited and yet I was transitioning to uncertainty and there was no path for me to follow....I had to forge ahead and create a path on my own. 


My friend @danielleduran_curls (Instagram) came up with the quote “Perfection is Boring” and I thought that this is kinda like getting a tattoo in that you don’t care what other people think...you do it for yourself.

When your hair heals and becomes healthy over time you can let go of ‘perfection’...

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Curly Hair Artistry Live Training in Portland Maine is now OPEN!

Good day everyone! 

We are excited to bring Hairstylists the Portland Maine "EduVacation" - which is a great experience of learning from Curly Hair Artistry AND take some time to have a vacation in Portland Maine to experience the culture, people and the food....oh my - if you love Seafood as much as I do then you will be in Heaven. Portland was voted best restaurant city (link to article) of the year 2018.  

Hairstylists - check out the info for this training HERE - the class is limited to 8 but we can fit in 10 if needed. This training is more intense with a focus on specific content developed by Scott Musgrave with The MAP Method of product application. This alone is drawing attention in our industry for helping your clients to embrace their hair from around the world with the Cultivate Your Curls online course AND clients are looking for hairstylists that embrace this method.
We will also cover the Cubist Curl Cutting Techniques that you will work on live...

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Wavy Hair - Cultivate Your Curls

There was a great question that popped up in our Cultivate Your Curls private Facebook community and wanted to share it with you for your consideration and learning of what is possible for your own wavy/curly hair. 

Celeste asked me a great question: 

Scott Musgrave I hope you are doing okay through Florence. I don't expect an answer right away, I'm not sure if you have power... Anyway, I've been curious about something. You mention that you can use the same 4 products one very client and have good results. I'm sure you also do this for yourself, and I'm wondering if the products ever stop working for you? Do you have to rotate any of them? It seems like I have great results with new products for a week or two and then it goes down hill. I detox and still have problems. I think it might be my protein/moisture balance. I could probably use a good non-protein filler. I just got LHDC for a non-protein conditioner. Curious on your thoughts? You mentioned we have similar hair...

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Wafaya Abdallah is owner of Oasis Salon in Rockville MD USA. We in Curly Hair Artistry are always integrating ideas and thoughts of what contributes to our vision, values and overall culture and wanted more insight into this word 'culture' and have her words of guidance as a leader in CHA to give us all insight into helping you develop your own. 
One of the subjects we prioritize at Oasis is CULTURE.
We have taken turns as a staff presenting about this at seminars and we have even lead exercises to help participants begin to identify what their business culture can be.
What we’ve come to understand is, when a large chunk of your life is spent at work, everyone involved should be enjoying that time as much as possible!
How can we find this enjoyment consistently?
Some buzzwords that we hear lately is mindfulness, or being deliberate in our intentions. If there is anything that’s obvious here is that each...
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