Healthy Hair

Good day everyone, 

This blog brings you our weekly product update with the theme of Healing and Health. 

One of the most confusing elements of working with wavy & curly hair is moisture and hydration. 

Most manufacturers create a line of products that has a Cosmetic Approach to using ingredients that coat the hair and make it look and feel different. What I have found is that over time this builds up and coats your hair like a Slim-Jim with a plastic type of coating your hair as your hair dries out under the coating. 

The other way manufactures create a line of products uses what I call a Health Based Approach and use ingredients that melt into the hair and restores elasticity, shine and strength to your hair. 

This Health Based Approach takes time to work and involves a system to work properly - and of course we recommend The MAP Method as it starts you out with a 30 day commitment to start the process of embracing your hair and learning to...

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Weekly Product Recommendations

Good day everyone, 

I want to welcome the many new people to Cultivate Your Curls and Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program. Thank you all for trusting us with your journey to embrace your hair AND build your business for those hairstylists that are specializing in curly hair. 

Don’t forget to get into our Facebook communities as you only have access to these groups if you invest in the course you have purchased. 

I wanted to share a bit of the process that goes into helping others to succeed. 



Many Hairstylist and clients (I have had thousands of conversations with my clients about this) start out doing their regular trade and learn their craft and get stagnant, bored and find that what they are doing is just not working. 

From here - they quite, get burnt out and are overwhelmed or bored. Trade shows and local trainings are not enough. 

I get many calls from clients and hairstylists wondering how to expand what they do, raise their prices...

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6 things helping us get through this!


Good day, 

I was writing out some ideas in my journal of a few things that have helped me - and others - from my experience with Curly Hair Artistry, as well as, Cultivate Your Curls. If you are in our Facebook community go watch the FB Live I did earlier today as it covered around 6 topics that are addressed here as well:

1) Routine & Systems - reduce fear and anxiety. When you do not know what to do, learning a system reduces that anxiety to gain knowledge. 

2) Practice - when you learn (for example) The MAP Method you learn a system to PRACTICE and over time (like a 30 day challenge) you learn to make something work for you. 

3) Guide through frustration - the beauty of our community is seeing a lot of success stories and recommendations - but what helps us the most is someone posting something they are frustrated with and we guide you through it. Many businesses frown upon frustrations - we in our community welcome it!

4) Its better than you think - this is...

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Moving through Coronavirus by reducing fear and anxiety


Good day everyone, 

My local government here in North Carolina has closed hair salons until April 30 - along with nail salons and other service orientated small businesses. 

Hair salons are offering mini kits of hair color that you can do at home or retail packages to pick up at the curb as they will bring it out to you. 

For me - I encourage you to purchase Cultivate Your Curls online courseHERE and if you need products or tools - that are used by many with success - to look over this list from Amazon that have worked well with others around the globe - and they will work for you where you are atHERE. OrHERE for more info. 

During times like this - I have got requests to help others that are starting their own online business by doing what I have done and am doing now. So if you contemplating the start of sharing your own knowledge with others I have a mentoring program that is free for 30 days to get you going on this when you sign up...

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New Opportunities - Learning with Curly Hair Artistry


Good day everyone, 

There is some new options we are offering so read this blog carefully to see how we can serve you best:

1) Portland Oregon - West Coast Symposium is SOLD OUT = we are so excited for this event - thank you all for trusting CHA with your Advanced Education. 

2) Spring Symposium is coming up for March 21-23 and we are excited to teach and share to help you build your brand and business as a Curly Hair Artistry Specialist - more info isHERE. We are offering a fantastic experience that is unlike any other with a focus on Wavy Hair - as hairstylists have said that this hair type is the most difficult to work with for cutting and product application AND styling, so - we are known to be THE BEST for training stylists on how to work with wavy hair. 

3) Portland MAINE is filling up quickly and the dates are July 25 - 27 with more informationHERE

Did you know that we provide you lunch during our trainings! We get so busy and...

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How To Fix Frizzy Hair!

Hairstylists are in a huge industry to choose what to do that have so many paths of opportunity to pursue.  We have options of working in a team based salon, on our own as a booth renter, as an educator or pursue a path in the fashion or entertainment world working on all types of hair. 

If you were to look at our industry as a whole - its global. This is HUGE.  When you start to see the small areas that you can specialize in - and most are NOT seen or heard about as these niches are not found or headlining at Trade Shows. They are not discussed in Cosmetology school. You have to almost ‘accidentally’ find them and once you do you kick yourself for not finding it sooner. 

But there is such a thing as Perfect Timing. 

If you are reading this now - I bet you are sensing this as anticipation stirring for helping you out of boredom, stagnation and even financial debt (as these were mine back in the day). 

This blog deals with the wavy &...

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What can be done in one year with vision, dreams & goals?

This is an important program that I want to share with friends in our circles as with what has happened from it over time has produced some amazing results. 

I want you to be in on it as well - when you are ready. 

First off - we have an assessment to take that will reveal where you are at and what you want to do with the upcoming year. CLICK HERE for this assessment and please realize that I will take on no more than 20 people at this time for coaching/mentoring but also realize that this assessment will give YOU a gauge with where you are at, where you want to go and what is needed to get what you want done and what is needed to do so. 

If you are interested in being one of twenty people I personally work with coming up for 2019-2020 - check out THIS LINK. Helping others to achieve things greater than I have brings me personal joy and helping you to do the same can be a reality with this coaching program offer that I have for you. What is sweet is that it will only...

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What feeds your soul?

Good day!

I recently wrote a Facebook post welcoming some new people to my business page (Scott Musgrave Hair) and I was fascinated at what we discussed with what everyone does to cultivate & feed their soul outside of working on their hair. Once you learn to manage your hair you can move on to more important things in life.

Some people were avoiding things in life BECAUSE of their hair - but once your confidence in working with your hair (with The MAP Method) you can stop searching & wasting money on products and resources. This leaves you with time and money for LIVING LIFE! 

Here are some of the replies that I think anyone of us can use as an idea of what to do coming up this weekend or even during the week: 

- Photography & walking in nature taking photos. 
- Riding horses - go on a guided trail. 
- Gardening - starting a seasonal garden - visit a garden center. 
- Teaching someone that needs your experience - mentoring. 
- ZipLine - face...

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Meet some of our friends to see how they are changing the world.

Good day everyone! 

Working with people day in and day out we discover many fascinating things that people are doing in their profession. Their passion for what they do is contagious and exciting! 

When you start hearing stories of how people are transformed by what they are doing - it is something we want to share with the world of how they are contributing to making a difference in their region of the globe.  

First mention is Colie Taico (click name for info). She is a therapist and specializes in a couple of areas including helping women heal their relationship with food.

If you are in Cultivate Your Curls she is in the section of how to get multiple day hair (of which has helped many people to relearn how to work with day 2-3-4 hair).

Colie works with clients one on one and is taking her years of experience and is creating an online course that will reach others that can not sit with her privately.  Sign up HERE to get on her list. 

She is also on...

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Hairstylists - A NEW Opportunity awaits you for creating a new business model.

Hairstylists - good day to you! 

Our industry leads the way with teaching us about two ways to make money - and it starts out with Cosmetology School and is reinforced as you attend Trade Shows:

  1. If your clients hair is straight - perm it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is curly - straighten it to make money. 

From this you can 'sell' products and heat tools to 'help' them at home to recreate your work. 

From here we learn other options as we progress in our career to fill our schedule in the salon and make a paycheck:

  1. If your clients hair is dark - lighten it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is grey (of what we call Silver) - add color to make money. 

Some of these are options that a client wants and desires. 

But NOT every time. 

And these options are expanding outside of traditional trade shows, cosmetology school and in salon trainings. 

Beyond the limits of this antiquated business model are new opportunities that are not...

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