Good day everyone - welcome to June 2023 - wow, time is flying by for us - how about you? 

I wanted to thank all of you for the kind words, support and encouragement that many of you do in spreading the love for what Curly Hair Artistry does. 

I got a wonderful email thanking me for having the Cultivate Your Curls online course with having LIFETIME access - as she had life come up (as we all do) - and she put caring for her hair on pause and 4 years later came back to find the course still active and she went back in and is doing even better now! Emails like this make my day. Don't forget - you have lifetime access to this and all of our courses. 

We are just over a month away for our Maine training July 22-23 - this class will be a small group at Curl Boutique with focused time on helping you become the best curly hair specialist in your region - check out the link HERE. If you have any other questions about this class feel free to reply back to this...

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2023 Curly Hair Artistry Live Trainings

Hello everyone,

CHA has 2 trainings to let you know about this year far. 

If you read this blog and you are not a stylist - we recommend forwarding this article to a stylist you would like to let them know about this training.  

#1) We have Maine Live Training open for July 23-25 with Sunday & Monday 9-5pm and Tue the 25th 9-12 at Soca Maine with Curl Boutique hosting at their beautiful 1800's Victorian House/salon. 

#2) Next up is Denver Colorado on Sept 17-19 with the same format & hours with the location at Devana Salon

CHA is one of the few trainings that offers live models to work on, product knowledge along with The MAP Method of applying products and custom Cubist Cutting with a focus on wavy and curly hair. The Tuesday session is putting it all together with helping you how to implement this material and business ideas that will raise your prices and impact your community with this unique approach to being a curly hair...

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I hope this article inspires you in the progress of your vision, habits and goals - but first we need to focus on what is important - and that is establishing VALUES. 

For my new vision - I had to create new values (not goals or habits as they are the potential end result that may or may not happen but values are the strongest factor in the process of transformation) - so, I created values of who I wanted to be with the desire to live them out no matter what.    

Living with values of who you are not currently living from will create discomfort or uncertainty - these unfamiliar values form of positive energy that can be misinterpreted as 'negative' and they need to be expressed and released vs suppressed and held onto.    

This ‘energy’ has to be released with exercise, mediation and writing or creating.

These actions lead to habits of who you are not yet and this is why it is huge to create values more so than goals...

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Curly Hair Artistry Planning, Preparation & Who To Follow

The first quarter of the year has flown by and we have been busy working on our vision, goals, intentions and actions. 

In a recent Mastermind we wrote down what we accomplished, did not accomplish and why (to revisit them) and what we are grateful for (as its easy to overlook small and big wins over being frustrated in life). 

For CHA - we had a great staff training session at Souther Curl in Atlanta: 

Scott worked with Aarti's hair for a cover shot for Curl Magazine - it was amazing to meet Stephanie (the owner of Curl) and the team assembled for make-up, photography, video and assistance as this was only backing up what CHA work! 

Aarti worked with how to Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method and loved it! She had a bit of a time trying to get nice day 2 hair previously and now she can get a great day 3 hair. She is professional, authentic and what you see is what you get and we love her! 

Curly Hair Artistry MASTERMIND group...

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Curly Hair Artistry Mastermind - Founding Member is now OPEN

Good day to you:

Here are a few items that are of interest to our community here in Curly Hair Artistry: 

#1 - We are sold out of Portland Maine AND San Diego California live trainings. 

#2 - I am working on a North Carolina training in October in a quaint small town called Apex, NC - at a fantastic salon - more information to come. 

#3 - MASTERMIND - This is our monthly membership community learning hub = all in ONE for ANYONE with wavy/curly hair to join in on a Founding Member fee. You do not need to be a hairstylist - as I have had others curious about this that can add wonderful experience and feedback for all of us to benefit from. If you have an idea, vision or dream you want to pursue - we are here to get you going. 

There are 2 elements to this membership:

A) We will have meet ups on a Zoom type platform for you to participate in. Some of you want this zoom type feature and some of you want the content Portal to view without engagement - and...

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Curly Hair Artistry Mastermind is now OPEN

Hello everyone.

I am very excited to finally open up an invitation to you for a special community that is all about helping you & each other to progress to whatever dream, vision, goal you may have. The one thing we have in common is that we all have wavy/curly hair....and that is what makes this fun and super special to us. 

We are starting out humble and small with this first group through creating & learning along the way together - as what I am doing with this community is based on what I have learned and applied over the years - this is a dream of mine and through much prayer/thought it is what I am doing that is a risk, adventure and vision to serve others with. It takes planning, faith and experience to step out and this is what I want for you to do and support, encourage, inspire and guide you along the way.

I will be the first to admit and be up front & open from the start here....I do not know everything and that is why we need each other - as in...

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2022 CHA Trainings (so far) are LIVE!

Good day everyone, 

Hairstylists - and if you are not a hairstylist - please forward this to your stylist to join us in our trainings. This is how we grow and help YOU as a client to get a better service for your wavy/curly hair. 

We have 2 trainings to offer at this time - for information click on each link below to purchase. 

June 12-14 is San Diego HERE - this training is limited to 12 stylists.

Aug 21-23 is Portland Maine HERE - this training is limited to 12 stylists. (1/2 sold out) 

Please note: sign up with an email that we can use to stay in contact with as we will send out updates, itinerary and more to you. We may form a FB group, or group text to stay up with each other. 

Also, consider getting flight insurance just in case anything happens with your travels or health related issues. 

We do our best to keep you and those around us safe and communicate quickly with any issues or concerns during our trainings - you can reply back...

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Curly Hair Artistry 2022 Trainings & More

Welcome to Curly Hair Artistry! 

2021 has been a year of coming back into being who we are designed to be with personal and professional growth that took participants to the next level. 

CHA had 2 wonderful trainings in Rockville MD and Denver CO.

Denver CO

Rockville MD

Being with stylists around the USA was fantastic in learning from each other, seeing stylists get new ideas to impact their communities and for Team CHA (Debbie Miller, Wafaya Abdullah and Scott Musgrave) get ideas to impact the future of their business and Curly Hair Artistry for future growth. 

#1) Starting Mid-January 2022 there will be a formation of a Mastermind Groupwith online meet ups and content delivered to your box on a monthly basis with two CHA’ts (Curly Hair Artistry’ talks) with the intention of helping you (and each other) to reach more of your personal and professional goals in and out of the salon. This has been one of the most requested features as its not all about...

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Weekly Product Recommendations Video


Good day everyone!

Check out this weeks product recommendations update with a short video that reveals to you what is recommended with an amazing spray bottle, clips, tools and other items our community finds to be of value that will save you time, energy and money in searching for things to assist you on embracing your hair. 

Link to all of the recommended products and resources is HERE

Here is the link to access these products: Brush HERE / Clips HERE / Spray Bottle HERE / Malibu Packets HERE / Hair Coils HERE (Please support these links as I hold off on getting products in my salon at this time) THANK YOU! 

As mentioned in the video I have a YouTube tutorial about the spray bottle HERE

Information about Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method is HERE

Have a great week! 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry

Scott Musgrave : Founder of Curly Hair Artistry 


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Healthy Hair

Good day everyone, 

This blog brings you our weekly product update with the theme of Healing and Health. 

One of the most confusing elements of working with wavy & curly hair is moisture and hydration. 

Most manufacturers create a line of products that has a Cosmetic Approach to using ingredients that coat the hair and make it look and feel different. What I have found is that over time this builds up and coats your hair like a Slim-Jim with a plastic type of coating your hair as your hair dries out under the coating. 

The other way manufactures create a line of products uses what I call a Health Based Approach and use ingredients that melt into the hair and restores elasticity, shine and strength to your hair. 

This Health Based Approach takes time to work and involves a system to work properly - and of course we recommend The MAP Method as it starts you out with a 30 day commitment to start the process of embracing your hair and learning to...

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