My Gift To YOU!


Good day everyone, 

Today (JUNE 1, 2024) is my birthday and I have a gift of anyone that wants Cultivate Your Curls for a special one day price of $62

I am blessed to be able to help others around the world to embrace their wavy/curly hair and to make it more accessible to be at the lowest price for THE BEST course available to help you learn how to manage your hair for the first time in your life. 

Cultivate Your Curls has been taught to thousands of people in my studio and online - and there are MILLIONS more that do not even know this kind of help exists - so to spread the word of my course (which does not take advertising or money from manufactures to influence me or you of what to use, do or say) I ask that you spread this link to others in hopes of helping more to achieve life changing results for their hair. 

Others have taken info from my trainings and created their own trainings - but Cultivate Your Curls is the original - easiest to...

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Curly Hair Artistry video and product updates

Good day everyone. 

I am back on YouTube - would you do me a favor and subscribe and like the videos as it helps with spreading the word with helping others to embrace their hair and its FREE - and the most recent video on How To Detox is getting some attention on the Curly Hair Artistry YouTube Station - click here

The live training in Maine is SOLD OUT - thank you for trusting CHA with your advanced training. 

For the California and Maine training I will be sending out a list of what to bring to the training soon. 

A big welcome to all of you who joined up with Cultivate Your Curls - this course is helping people around the globe with how to embrace their hair - and if you want to help someone else with understanding what CYC is about I created a video of what it is and the back story to it HERE

My client Megan is on Instagram as NCEatAndPlay - I have been doing her luscious curls since she was in high school and how she is well known and just came out with her...

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Curly Hair Artistry weekend specials, recommendations and 2024 trainings.

Hello everyone - I wanted to help those of you who wanted product recommendations, and my online courses this weekend with the following links to Cultivate Your Curls (anyone with wavy/curly hair can learn how to manage their hair) and also Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program (for hairstylists who want to learn how to cut and style AND business tips for building their curly hair specialist business) and information about live training events in 2024:

Cultivate Your Curls HERE (regular price is $110 and if you go to bottom of check out page you will see it is now $80). 

Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program HERE (regular price is $999 and is now $800 - you will see the sale price on the check out page).

I have posted questions on Scott Musgrave Hair Facebook page and one of the things that people wanted help with is HOW to apply products - this is why I wanted to lower the price for the week so that you can get it at its lowest price ever. I have trained hundreds of hairstylists...

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Good day everyone - welcome to June 2023 - wow, time is flying by for us - how about you? 

I wanted to thank all of you for the kind words, support and encouragement that many of you do in spreading the love for what Curly Hair Artistry does. 

I got a wonderful email thanking me for having the Cultivate Your Curls online course with having LIFETIME access - as she had life come up (as we all do) - and she put caring for her hair on pause and 4 years later came back to find the course still active and she went back in and is doing even better now! Emails like this make my day. Don't forget - you have lifetime access to this and all of our courses. 

We are just over a month away for our Maine training July 22-23 - this class will be a small group at Curl Boutique with focused time on helping you become the best curly hair specialist in your region - check out the link HERE. If you have any other questions about this class feel free to reply back to this...

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Weekly Product Recommendations Video


Good day everyone!

Check out this weeks product recommendations update with a short video that reveals to you what is recommended with an amazing spray bottle, clips, tools and other items our community finds to be of value that will save you time, energy and money in searching for things to assist you on embracing your hair. 

Link to all of the recommended products and resources is HERE

Here is the link to access these products: Brush HERE / Clips HERE / Spray Bottle HERE / Malibu Packets HERE / Hair Coils HERE (Please support these links as I hold off on getting products in my salon at this time) THANK YOU! 

As mentioned in the video I have a YouTube tutorial about the spray bottle HERE

Information about Cultivate Your Curls with The MAP Method is HERE

Have a great week! 

For now, 
Curly Hair Artistry

Scott Musgrave : Founder of Curly Hair Artistry 


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Weekly Product Recommendations

Good day everyone, 

I want to welcome the many new people to Cultivate Your Curls and Curly Hair Artistry Mastery Program. Thank you all for trusting us with your journey to embrace your hair AND build your business for those hairstylists that are specializing in curly hair. 

Don’t forget to get into our Facebook communities as you only have access to these groups if you invest in the course you have purchased. 

I wanted to share a bit of the process that goes into helping others to succeed. 



Many Hairstylist and clients (I have had thousands of conversations with my clients about this) start out doing their regular trade and learn their craft and get stagnant, bored and find that what they are doing is just not working. 

From here - they quite, get burnt out and are overwhelmed or bored. Trade shows and local trainings are not enough. 

I get many calls from clients and hairstylists wondering how to expand what they do, raise their prices...

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New Opportunities - Learning with Curly Hair Artistry


Good day everyone, 

There is some new options we are offering so read this blog carefully to see how we can serve you best:

1) Portland Oregon - West Coast Symposium is SOLD OUT = we are so excited for this event - thank you all for trusting CHA with your Advanced Education. 

2) Spring Symposium is coming up for March 21-23 and we are excited to teach and share to help you build your brand and business as a Curly Hair Artistry Specialist - more info isHERE. We are offering a fantastic experience that is unlike any other with a focus on Wavy Hair - as hairstylists have said that this hair type is the most difficult to work with for cutting and product application AND styling, so - we are known to be THE BEST for training stylists on how to work with wavy hair. 

3) Portland MAINE is filling up quickly and the dates are July 25 - 27 with more informationHERE

Did you know that we provide you lunch during our trainings! We get so busy and...

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Meet some of our friends to see how they are changing the world.

Good day everyone! 

Working with people day in and day out we discover many fascinating things that people are doing in their profession. Their passion for what they do is contagious and exciting! 

When you start hearing stories of how people are transformed by what they are doing - it is something we want to share with the world of how they are contributing to making a difference in their region of the globe.  

First mention is Colie Taico (click name for info). She is a therapist and specializes in a couple of areas including helping women heal their relationship with food.

If you are in Cultivate Your Curls she is in the section of how to get multiple day hair (of which has helped many people to relearn how to work with day 2-3-4 hair).

Colie works with clients one on one and is taking her years of experience and is creating an online course that will reach others that can not sit with her privately.  Sign up HERE to get on her list. 

She is also on...

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Hairstylists - A NEW Opportunity awaits you for creating a new business model.

Hairstylists - good day to you! 

Our industry leads the way with teaching us about two ways to make money - and it starts out with Cosmetology School and is reinforced as you attend Trade Shows:

  1. If your clients hair is straight - perm it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is curly - straighten it to make money. 

From this you can 'sell' products and heat tools to 'help' them at home to recreate your work. 

From here we learn other options as we progress in our career to fill our schedule in the salon and make a paycheck:

  1. If your clients hair is dark - lighten it to make money. 
  2. If your clients hair is grey (of what we call Silver) - add color to make money. 

Some of these are options that a client wants and desires. 

But NOT every time. 

And these options are expanding outside of traditional trade shows, cosmetology school and in salon trainings. 

Beyond the limits of this antiquated business model are new opportunities that are not...

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What happens in a week or two with Curly Hair Artistry?

Good day everyone - what happens in about a week or two both in Curly Hair Artistry and also Cultivate Your Curls


Let us give you a peek....

Did you see Danielle's quick Facebook Live about expanding on something we address in the online course Cultivate Your Curls about Options & Possibilities (O&P)? 

It was powerful! 

We shared an article that went out on Instagram about Scott Musgrave: Founder of Curly Hair Artistry from a leading salon publication (Modern Salon) that quoted him and also got a reply back from a salon we did a Live Training at in Raleigh NC that is excelling in their region from what they learned - check out this quote:

While we were in Portland Maine a local YouTuber Pete Talbot did a chat with Scott and it went viral with a fun run of local scenery, food and light houses:

This was the mention in Modern Salon that was shared by Scott on Instagram @scottmusgravehair:

Take a peek at our CHA Live Education Team - well, its sideways AND...

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